
What’s your secret, Rob?

Sales and marketing have a single shot to make a first impression. Teams that miss the mark can make or break your company’s success.

Throughout my career, I’ve driven record revenue for organizations through repeatable methodologies. Tell compelling stories, build trust, uncover hidden pain, and design solutions to problems to achieve optimal mutual outcomes.

Sales and marketing aren’t about convincing someone to buy your product. It’s about finding the best possible outcome to solve people’s problems. I’ve seen sales teams drive record revenues only to create customer retention issues that cause renewal churn and support nightmares that ultimately stagnate long-term growth.

Superpower #1 is my attention to detail. I quickly identify what is working, what isn’t, and adapt quickly with necessary adjustments that lead to positive outcomes in the least amount of time.

All the while I have a blast curating memorable experiences that create raving fans!