The next 90 days will change your trajectory

Post-pandemic business moves quickly and external perspectives are the difference between vitality and runway burn. Your organization knows itself inside out, but there are times when a fresh, unbiased perspective is the catalyst you need to unlock growth potential. With 20+ years driving revenue growth for organizations our analysis will uncover untapped opportunities to hit your projections, not re-forecast them.


Market/Product Analysis

A deep dive into the competitive landscape for differentiation opportunities and product development. Experienced in honing existing PMF as well as strategic planning for new markets

Sales/CS Optimization

Hands on approach with your customer-facing teams in areas of communication development, territory planning, value prop articulation, forecasting, negotiation, prioritization, posturing, and more

Working 1:1 with the leadership team to triangulate points of critical failure, areas of opportunity, strengths/weaknesses, and personality profiles to help the team establish optimal lines of communication

Communication Tuning

What about Rob?

Superpower #2 is my curiosity. I love figuring out what makes people and things tick. This has exposed me to a wide range of interesting and exciting people, places, and technologies. Business is at its best when we leverage the relationships we’ve built and the things we have learned.

I have failed many times, but I learned quickly each and every time and as a result have built a dynamic 20+ year career of performance-oriented sales leadership with an exceptional record of achievement.

Detail is my middle name. I’m a facilitator with strategic and analytical approach to solving problems, bringing in customers and accomplishing profit targets. Talented in identifying and capitalizing on emerging market trends and generating revenue opportunities.

